More About Our Counsellor - Personal and Family Background

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1454 Dundas Street East, Mississauga
Major Intersection: Dundas and Dixie
Phone: (416) 234-1850

More about George Hartwell M.Sc.

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I was born and raised in Ontario; received BA (social science) from University of Toronto, Ontario Teacher's Certificate at Queens University and Master's degree from the Department of Educational Psychology at University of Calgary. I have further studies in theology and spiritual direction (two years). Since my BA, I have 31 years of clinical experience.

Family background, activities and hobbies

I learned to work hard as the oldest of six children where have spending money always meant earning it. You either washed dishes or had a paper route and I had both! In my family I perfected the role of being a "good boy" to the point of almost losing my personality.

However, there was another side of growing up as one of six children - I learned to be playful and to make fun. I picked up from my mother a sense of humour and the ability to look on the positive side of people and life.

As a result people find that I remain young at heart, can be playful and have a sense of humour.  This has enabled me to use tools like psychodrama, inner child work, role playing and humour in adult counselling sessions.

My life has had times of major stress, heartache, setbacks, grief and pain.  God was working in it all to soften my heart and give me compassion for others.  I needed to learn not to always relate as a People Pleaser and to find and live with confidence in my own identity.  It has taken my 30 years to become confident in who I am in Christ. I am, I believe, much more capable of adult intimacy, communication and bonding.

Family Life and Early Career

I am the proud father of two grown sons: Christopher and David who now both live and work in Taiwan. (I am also a proud grandfather thanks to Christopher and Joey.)

Christopher was born in Ontario where I taught high school for two years. We moved to Alberta 1970 and  enjoyed life in a small towns - first Ponoka and then Athabasca.

In Ponoka, in the Department of Psychology at Alberta Hospital Ponoka I received 'hands-on' training in Psychological assessments, marriage counselling and group therapy.

In 1974 we moved to Calgary where I did masters work in clinical Psychology at University of Calgary. Courses reinforced my training in Psychological assessment, family therapy and added training in cognitive behavioural therapy. 

In 1976 we moved to Athabasca where I applied what I learned in counselling and also in parenting and couples courses. So in Alberta I gained both academic credentials and lots of practical experience. My hands on training in the psychiatric hospital setting was followed by work in the frontier farming small town of Athabasca.

In the hospital setting I had an opportunity to be involved in a variety of projects such as helping establish the Life Skills Program and set up an Alcoholism Treatment Program at the Hobbema Indian reserve.  Professionaly I further developed my skills in Psychodrama and Transactional Analysis.  I added training in Reality Therapy, Assertiveness Training, Parenting Training, Stop Smoking Courses and Couple Communication.


As a Christian counsellor I have read and been trained by Agnes Sanford, John and Paula Sandford, Leanne Payne and Art Zielstra.    Over time a new approach  emerged that I call 'Life Transformation Therapy."

For over 20 years George taught others the keys to inner and emotional healing given to him by his mentors.  He lead studies on three books of John and Paula Sandford: Restoring the Christian Family, Transformation of the Inner Man and Healing the Wounded Spirit.  In one case these course were used to training lay ministry teams at St. George the Martyr Anglican Church.

Significant Persons in my Life

Lorne Shepherd came into my life as a mentor/teacher when I sat in his course on marriage relationships at a local Pentacostal church.  For more see: Lorne Shepherd.


Community Activities and Hobbies

In the Christian community I provide or have provided leadership in a variety of ways - most important is mentoring and teaching in relationship to inner and emotional healing and prayer ministry.

  For a time I was active in providing leadership to Christian efforts such as: Promise keepers for men, Area Wide Worship, Clergy prayer meetings, Toronto Prayer Network and March for Jesus and Network for Christian Radio. These are contacts in relationship to these activities:

·Area Wide Worship, committee and prayer ministry, with Rev. Richard Long,

·Worship Conference - prayer committee, with Rev. Bruce McCallum,

·Coordinator of Etobicoke March for Jesus, with Rev. Alan Bowan,

·Promise Keepers Toronto Task Force - I was a co-chair with Rev. Glen Corderoy.

I have taken a break from what was clearly on over-involvement in  Christian community leadership. I now limit myself to participation in praying with four pastors and leading quarterly retreats with them.

That means that I can spend more time in relaxing.  I now have time for tennis, reading, gardening and walking the dog. 





For Sessions with George, Retreats or Phone Counseling: counselling

(416) 234-1850 for local calls in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville or Brampton.
 1 (877) 854-3990 for long distance.

E-mail: e-mail G Hartwell (counselling) and (retreats)


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 MORE DETAILS about finding your breakthrough - emotional freedom and solving marital problems - at a Life Transformation Therapy intensive Christian retreat see HealMyLife.Net.